Santeri Tuori - Karlotta, 2003
Finnish video art
10.02.2011 - 28.03.2011
Oslo S
With the portrait as the theme, Rom for kunst presents a retrospective of three acclaimed Finnish video artists: Santeri Tuori, Pasi Autio and Hannu Karjalaine.
Santeri Tuori – Karlotta, 2003 and Wilma, 2006
“Through a Looking Glass”
Many of Tuori’s early works concern the portrait and how we understand it. The "Through a Looking Glass” series turns conventional understanding upside down and questions how we see ourselves, what we desire, and what roles we play.
Pasi Autio – Kyllä hmm ei hmm (Yes hmm no hmm), 2004-2006.
Play, experimentation, improvisation and intuition are all present in Autio’s artistic work. He starts out without a clear goal, makes intuitive decisions along the way, and lets the work take form through the process. He seeks to not focus on themes or content, as he believes this turns the process into a hinderance. This work “Kyllä hmm ei hmm” has been created in this way.
Hannu Karjalainen – Man In A Blue Shirt, 2006
“I have always been interested in portraits. The portrait, either a painting or a photograph, promises the viewer a glimpse of the personality, maybe even the soul of the person being portraited.”
The viewing is a collaboration between Rom for kunst and Finsk Norsk Kulturinstitutt, produced by Kulturbyrået Mesén.