A Melancholia by Jan Christensen
A Melancholia
Jan B. Christensen
22.09.2011 - 18.11.2011
Oslo S
Rom for kunst presents a work in three parts by Jan Christensen. The artwork is entitled «A Melancholia» and the installations are personal artistic interpretations of a collective feeling; meaninglessness and despair in the face of violence and destruction.
«In the context of the aftermath of recent events in Norway, the combination of these pieces might work as a memento mori. Even after tragic events, we return to everyday life and learn to live with the grief as a recognition of our own mortality.» – Jan Christensen on the work «A Melancholia» on the facade of Oslo Central Station.
The work to be shown on the facade of the Airport Express Terminal depicts a partially erased date scribbled on a piece of paper, with a broken eraser next to it. The reference to the date is immediately recognisable, as the work discusses issues of personal and collective memory, what is possible to erase, and what can not be forgotten.
Jan Christensens video work shows a stop-motion animation of photos of the sun; taken with different apetures and exposure times. The hectic and blurred expression, depitcs the sun as an energetic source of life.
Rom for kunst presents a personal and artistic response to the events on the island of Utøya and at the governmental headquarters this summer. The debate in Norway has been characterised by emotional and rational discussion about the causes of these events. Freedom of speech, channels of communication and forums for discussion are themes that have been discussed. Discussions have to be framed by a questioning of the role of the media, the context for debate, and definitions of morality, ethics, fascisme and racism. Technology has facilitated numerous forms of expressions, including the individual voice through sosial social media. The artwork of Jan Christensen, represents yet another response to the lingering feeling of the shock that the nation experienced from within.
Rom Eiendom has provided the public space for Jan Christensens artistic expression, a personal interpretation on these events, and the collective assimilation of the trauma both on a private and societal level.
Press contacts:
Kulturbyrået Mesén v/Vibeke Christensen producer, mobil:(47) 92 88 68 12 vibeke@mesen.no
Rom Eiendom AS v/ Signe Horn, director of public relations, signeh@romeiendom.no, mobile: (47) 92603520 .
Kulturbyrået Mesén manages and produces Rom for kunst.