Finnish video art

Heta Kuchka, Tellervo Kalleinen, Niina Lehtonen Braun og Minna Suoniemi

12.09.2014 - 29.09.2014
Oslo S


Friday September 12th the Finnish-Norwegian Cultural Institute in collaboration with Room for Art and Kulturbyrået Mesén opened three video works by Finnish artists.


Play This At My Funeral (2013)

What kind of music do you want to be played in your own funeral? Tellervo Kalleinen and Niina Lehtonen Braun are researching this sensitive topic in the music video Play This At My Funeral (2013). To find paritispants for the project they published an open invitation on Facebook. Participants in Helsinki and Berlin was filmed with the instruments they wanted to be played at their funeral. The video is about our private sphere. It focuses on a theme that we would rather forget: our own mortality.


Temporarily Out of Order (2010)

Temporarily Out of Order (2010) studies the relationship between a child and a mother in a situation where the traditional role patterns change. The mother is seriously ill and helpless, and the child must take care of her. The film is very personal and based on the director Heta Kuchkas and her mother Tuija Kuchkas own experiences. The women confront their difficult emotions through the film process. Temporarily Out of Order is a touching story about aging and fear of change.


Miss Kong (2008)

Miss Kong (2008) shows an obese woman who jumps in a jump rope. Minna Suoniemi have used slow motion and close-ups to create a thought-provoking artwork. The woman in the film is very physical, but not elegant. She is too big and clumsy to meet current feminine ideals. Miss King is a work of art that captures your attention.
