
Incognita Natura

Anna Widén

16.05.2019 - 22.10.2019
Oslo S

‘In the work Incognita Natura, I bring the forest into the environment at Oslo Central Station. The material used in the sculpture represents a contrast with the hard, smooth surfaces of concrete, glass and steel that one encounters at the Airport Express Terminal. The organic shape of the sculpture stands out against the station’s tight architecture and appears like a foreign object to the viewer.

The sculpture occupies both inside and outside. Shaped spruce grows up to the ceiling, through the windows and further into the building. The intrusion of the forest emphasises the unpredictable. The organism occupying Oslo Central Station is of an unknown character, but resembles life forms with which we are familiar.’
Anna Widén

2019-06-21 11.17.25.jpg
_2019-05-22 12.08.46.jpg

Anna Widén (b. Sweden, 1971) lives and works in Gran, Norway. In the Norwegian Art Year Book 2018, HC Gilje writes that Widén has: ‘described the forest as her studio, where she finds both the materials and the inspiration for new works’. Her art has evolved around natural materials, as well as careful craftsmanship. Relating specifically and directly to places and materials characterises her method. Ideas for art projects are usually developed through physical work, rather than from a theoretical starting point. Widén is represented in Oppland county and Oslo municipality’s art collections, among other institutions, and has enjoyed extensive exhibition activity both nationally and internationally.